Monday, 17 October 2011

So I am not sure what I wrote last but I am thinking I was probably talking about Austin and his new school.  It seems to be doing well.  He has the best teacher which really helped out with the transition.  I have been keeping very very busy, which is why i have not written in a long time.  Not only do I have my epicure business which is slow and I could use much more sales. Iseem to spend more then I make cause i love the stuff.  Anyways as I was saying, I started an Avon business so perhaps I might make some money from one of them, but it seems to be going int the same direction.  I hope business picks up.

So I have baby fever.  I always said no more, no more.  I have my boy and my girl, but lately i have been wanting another one.  I know it will pass but I have always wanted 3 kids but Roy says no lol.  It is probably better this way.  Faith starts full time kindergarten next year and then i can go out into the adult world and get a job.  I am hoping to maybe take a course soon but not sure what direction I want to go in. Toss up between computer classes so i can be a secretary or pharmacist assistant.  Who knows, any job away from the house and children that aren't mine would be a nice break.  It has been 7 years since I have worked outside of the house.

I am now on the new PAC at the new school and it is very much not the same as the last one.  The parents at the new school have the stick wedged up so far up there butts it would take a surgery to remove them.  I have never been in such a clicky situation before except for high school.  I even had one lady bend down to talk to me like I was a freaken child.   I thought it was pretty rude, and it bugged me but hey life goes on and i am trying to teach my child to not let things like that bug him so I need to do the same.

So other then my business's kids and school I pretty much do nothing.  I try my best to get as much work done during the day so I have my evenings with my family. Trying to put in a little quiet reading time in as well.

Monday, 22 August 2011

With School brings busy days

Wow I can't believe the summer is almost over and Little Austin is gonna start school.  A new school too, which is scary and exciting.  I have a PAC meeting next week and with that brings a lot of responsibility for me.  I am excited and scared all in one cause I am taking on a secretary position and I think I will be ok with it.  I really hope to meet new moms like I did at Eagle View, I really need a friend support system in my life.  Seems funny but I really need friends in my life.  I always hope I can find the kind of friendship that I have with my Best Friend in Edmonton but that is hard to come by.   If only my friend could live here in Victoria then I would be set.  I am thinking that Austin will be fine making friends but he has talked about his old friends more now that summer is ending.  He does have our neighbor friend that he spends lots of time with so that has been helping him.  So I have been part of an e-mail group called fly lady and it helps you keep organized and clean.  I love it and it is making the stress of the house and Day care to a minimum.  I am so excited to get back into a school routine and have my fly lady routine. I think this is going to be a good year.  Right now I am in the middle of trying to get my Epicure business name out there.  My goal is to be able to stop having a Day home by next September.  Have a daytime job while the kids are in school and have my epicure business.  

Monday, 8 August 2011

Wanting meaning to my life

So I haev been really emotional lately with life.  Not that my life is bad in anyway I just feel like I have yet to do something big with my life.  I know I have a daycare and I am a Epicure consultant but that just doesn't feel like enough for me.  I have always just wanted to write a children's book.  I just cant seem to figure out how and where to start.  I ready 2 books every night to my kids and the more and more I read the more and more I wish I could just but pen to paper and write a book.  I really don't know how people do it.  I am like that with Painting as well.  I love to paint I just have a hard time starting.  I am trying this new on line thing called fly lady and FLY stands for  Finally loving yourself.

(taken from Wikipedia)  FlyLady is a support and self-help group that offers advice to help people with housekeeping , founded by "The FlyLady", Marla Cilley[1]
The group is based upon the website, as well as a Federated Media's BigTent group for its email mailing list.[2] Many members of FlyLady have stated that the group has helped them and has changed their lives.[3] [4]
FlyLady's messages cover topics include clutter, the value of routines, weekly and monthly cleaning, increased self-esteem, and letting go ofperfectionism. As of 2010, she has over 550,000 members on her email list. [5]A store on her website sells organizational tools and housewares, sent from the FlyLady Distribution Center in Brevard, NC. In 2007, sales from the store reached US$3 million. [6]

So far so good, but we will give it a week and see what happens.  I used to belong to this group when I fish had Faith in High River but when I moved into my Mother in laws before I moved to Victoria I just stopped it and remembered about it over the weekend and signed myself back up. 

I like my friend Shoka (think that's how you spell it)  am up over my head with consignment stuff.  I am also at it all weekend for a total of 8 hours.  Don't get paid for it but I do get to keep a higher % of what I sell. so it will be worth it and I love doing stuff like that.  Also a good way to meet other people in Victoria.  

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Geo Cache

So me and my family have been doing Geo Caching and we absolutely love it.  Well Austin and I absolutely love it and Roy and Faith tag along cause I say so LOL.  I think it is great family activity and outside time.  Austin and I can spend hours riding our bike.  Driving from Cache to cache and walking of course.   The other day we found 4 and we wanted to keep on going but bed time was just around the corner.  I recommended it anybody who just loves taking a stroll.  It is pretty inexpensive Hobby.  You need your I phone app (or GPS) that's it and its hours of fun.  Austin and I have decided that we are gonna make our own Geo Cache on our street.  We have come up with a cleaver name as well.  "Normandy is the troll under the bridge".  We live on Normandy and there is a bridge int he park and we plan on putting it just beside the bridge. Cleaver right :)   I can only image how funny Austin and I look, we are supposed to not let muggles (as they say) see us but the other day on one of the Bus Stop series there was a Geo Cache up really high on the poll and the only way we could reach it was to have Austin sitting on my head for suppose while he climbed the poll.  Good times hehe. I absolutely love my geo caching time with Austin.  I hope we have this time together for years and years to come.

                                          Faith enjoys Geocaching when she finds the treasure :)


Here is one of the GeoCaches we found.  We needed to take pictures to show proof to Austin that we found it.  He was at the bike park close by.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011


So I fell like I can breath.  Things just seem to be going into place.  I have five hundred things to do and cause of summer it seems to be dying down.  So I think this is my time to get really organized and ready for Sept 2011.  Once that is done I need to focus on my Epicure (which I love) and start painting.  I have myself a brand new desk which is making my head less cluttered.  I am finally after about a year of taking my medication noticing that it is working.  I fell so much better about my everyday life.

Gonna be getting our kitchen redone in a couple of weeks and I am so excited.  The family and I will be spending our time in Kelvin at my cousins house and my sister and her family will be there so I am super excited.

So far the summer has been great.  Faith started Dino Camp on Monday and Austin starts Swim Camp next Monday and Faith is enjoying herself.  It was hard to see here go to camp with out looking back and to tell me when she was done that "she didn't miss me and that next time I need to stay home longer"  :) Oh my I have a feeling she is gonna be a really hard teenager to deal with.  We are probably gonna butt heads cause we are so alike.

Well I guess I will try and post more, as I always say but as soon as this organization business is done I can really get into my blog and hopefully post some pictures of my paintings, but only time will tell.

Friday, 24 June 2011

End of a chapter

I can not believe that it is the last Friday before school is over. Next year is a new school and I am scared. I really hate making new friends. I have a brunch on Sunday with the current mommy's of Eagle View. They are setting it up to say bye to me :( Austin is getting picked on yet again do summer and a new school is gonna be good. I am excited for summer. The kids have camp. Faith has Dino Camp and Austin has swim camp. So super excited about that. Then off to Kelowna for a week and then home to a brand new kitchen and upgraded bathroom. Lets not forget another week off :). So yeah this is going to be a good thing but sad to say good bye.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Things are coming to an end

We had a pretty good week this week, so far.  Dinner at my house where we had a wonderful dinner on The charcoal BBQ.  Seafood for our starter.  Mussels, Shrimp and salmon.  then  for dinner we had Asparagus steak and Potato wedges.  So yummo and it was with my sister and Family and Mom, so it was good company.
the Hockey game was on Monday so I decided to get into the spirit of the game (even thought i absolutely hate sport watching and how crazy people get about losing and the game) I mad a dessert called "Stanley Fruit Pudding cups."  it took a lot of thinking on Austin and I's part to come up with the name.   I normally hate Pudding but Epicure makes the best Pudding.  I actually liked it and ate it all up.  and of course the kids did today.  Today I made Stanley Fruit Jello cups, so hopefully Vancouver wins.  Austin told me this morning that "he felt sorry for the Canucks"  i asked him why and he said "Because Boston is gonna win, I am psycho dont you know"    He is so cute.  I do think Boston is gonna win the cup too but I want Vancouver to win.  I just have the gut feeling.  
 So yesterday was Austin's last Day of Gymnastic's and he passed Level One  :)

 He has decided that after he received his Ribbon that he has to go back to get Level Two.  he wasn't planning on returning but he wants to now.  Which is awesome.  I was hoping he would decide that.  I watched him after he got his ribbon and you could just tell he was so proud of it, it made my heart melt.  He is such a great little man.
Faithie's last day of Gymnastics is Sunday so I will have to post some pictures.

So as you can tell great week so far.  Tomorrow I have appreciation tea at the school, early pick up of the day care kids (BONUS).  Friday I got called into work (Boo)  so I have to miss the morning of EVE beach Day but the afternoon will be spent at Gyro Beach.  

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Keeping up with life

So yes it has been so long since I have written a blog but wow I have been so busy it is crazy.  I have so much on my plate right now but like I have said before I kinda like it.  i am so used to not having friends and not doing anything outside of the house that the more stuff I have to do the better.  I get bored really easy and then It makes me depressed cause I have no one that is close to me that I can just say hey lets talk.

 Like for instance my husband is gonna get a ass kicking if he doesn't start living up to his promise. Before we moved here I was a full time just stay at home mom.  I had no job  and all I did was play with my kids and clean and cook and My hubby didn't have to do anything.  I way I say it was he worked so it was only far that I took care of the house and kids.  I liked it, i didn't mind doing it.  Then he desired he has had enough of Calgary and off to Victoria we go.  Moving yet again.  I told him no the last time we were in Victoria we were buying diapers with pop bottle money and I was not going to allow my children to live like that again.  He promised me that it would be different, and it has been for sure.  He said you can start a Day home and still be home with the kids and he would take on 50% of the life responsibility's.

 So on Sundays i take Faith to gymnastics, I do the grocery shopping for the week.  I clean the house for the start of the week.  I make sure there are crafts and stuff for the day care kids, make lunch for Austin.  Monday Austin has beavers, Tuesday Gymnastics for Austin Wednesday I usually have a PAC Meeting I clean the house daily for Daycare.  I take car of 5 kids just so we all know.  I cook the dinners I make the lunches, I help with the home work.  I take the kids to parks and Play groups and birthday party's I started an Epicure business to make extra money and I am in the middle of trying to do consignment sale to make extra money with stuff that is just sitting in boxes.  I made a cook book this year with Austin's school.

 So the reason for this rant is because I have asked and asked for help.  and nope nothing.  I asked him last week to please call Kia about the leak in the car.  I dont know the first thing about cars so when they ask questions like where is the leaking coming from all I can say to the guy is the bottom of the car.  One freaken thing I ask him to do and he says to me yesterday.  Well why cant you do it.  You think I have anytime to do that.  or Marlena why dont you work out more, you are always saying that you are so out of shape why dont you go for a run on the tread mill or take a swimming class.  (I thought swimming class was a great Idea, just gotta figure out when I can do it).

So anyways needless to say he is mad at me for being so cranky and he doesn't know why I am being so cranky.  and I am pissed that he doesn't know why I am mad.  It pisses me off more that he thinks that my day is so much easier and I should find time to do everything.  I take care of all the money and the schedule, he doesn't even know when my birthday is most days.  So that is my rant.  OMG things need to change or I will loss it.  I think I wanna pretend to have a nervous breakdown just so I can go stay in a hospital and relax and have people feed me hahahaha.  On another note, does anybody know if this blogging site has an ap for the Iphone.  I would like to read blogs and write my blogs on my Iphone.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011


So I got my starter kit for my new Business.  It was just like Christmas.  Now i need to start reading and cooking.  Yesterday for dinner I decided to just wipe something on the fly with my new Tandoori spice.  I roasted Chicken Legs in the oven with Salt and Pepper.  Opened a can of mushroom soup added some water and some tandoori spice (i may of added to much, but it was still good) I boiled some pasta and put it in my sauce and added some frozen peas.  I put the cooked chicken in the sauce as well. Threw it in the oven and it was yummo.  I am just so excited to cook again which is good.  I used to love to cook and now with the Day care I have lost my passion.  I think it has return and oh how i have missed it.  I just have to figure out my time management with the daycare and having dinner ready.  I need to get out though, busy busy all the time, i am neglecting my friends.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011


So I did it.  I have been think about starting a home business but i just couldn't decide what i wanted to sell.  I have decided to go with Epicure.  It is a great Product and i am so excited to start this business.  Deep down I am kinda scared of not succeeding.  And the party and speaking with people is gonna be my challenge i think.   Ido have lots of info and videos to help me out and my sister in law sells it, so i have lots of support.
1.  Do you and your spouse go to bed at the same time?
Not most nights.  I stay up late.  

2.  A question for the ladies...what kind of facial hair do you like on your man?
3.  What's the worst vacation you've ever taken?
A trip to Kitimat with Roy's bothers family.  It was 1/2 work and 1/2 pleasure.  Turned out to be work for Roy and pleasure for his brother.  Big fight blah blah, never again.  

4.  What's the first-ever blog you followed?
Mom of the wild things 

5.  Do you enjoy amusement parks?
Yes and no.  If it was cheaper I might enjoy them more

Monday, 16 May 2011

Friday 5 but late hehe

1.  Tube socks, calf socks, crew, ankle, none?

I like ankle socks I guess

2.  Was your child (children's) name a mutual decision or was it a debate? 

I named Austin.  I have always loved that name and knew one Day I would name my son Austin.  I came up with the middle name as well after my Husbands Step Father.  Roy at that time could care less what I named him.  Roy named Faith but there was Debate.  I love the name Faith but it wasn't my favorite name.  Roy named her after George Micheal song and I personally wanted something else.  Not sure which one I wanted but it was a toss up between Teresa and Payton for me.  In the end Roy said you named Austin, I name the girl.  I got to pick the middle name so in the end we came up with Faith Maria Clotilde.  

3.  What is your favorite type of weather?

4.  If left to your own devices, what time would you wake up every day?
between 9 and 10 am is perfect for me not to early but not to late 

5.  Have you bought your cemetery plots yet?  
No, i dont wanna think about that yet.  

Thursday, 12 May 2011

It's coming to an end :)

So I had my second to last meeting at Austin's current school.  Basically last meeting.  I am sad to leave such a great group of people.  I just hope the New school brings me new friendships.  I really am hoping that the new school isn't as clicky as the current school.  It is hard to relate to people with big houses with yearly trips to Mexico and Disney land and fancy clothes,  thats just not me and I am glad that's not me.  Next week I go to a meeting at the new school and I am so excited.  I dont do much in my life.  I need to take a class or something cause going to a PAC meeting gets me excited lol.  I actually enjoy the planning part of the PAC and know what is going on in my child's life so it's exciting to me.    So that really all going in in my simple life.  I do need to do some shopping for new clothes.  All my clothes are pretty tight because of the weight gain so i would like to own a pair of pants that doesn't involve my hubby helping me into them.  I may have to buy a new outfit for my Nephews confirmation as well :)  Any excuse to buy an outfit, god knows I own enough second hand clothing so i deserve something new.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Great Weekend

What a wonderful weekend and we really didn't do anything out of the ordinary.  We went consignment shopping at the big sale in a gym.  I knew what I was needing for the kids so it was a fast in and out which is great for my hubby and the kids.  We then went to Beavers Bottle Drive.  It was so nice out not to sunny but not raining.  We really enjoyed the walking around and I got a work out.  We recently bought a cheap charcoal barbaque.  Roy remembers being a child and the flavor that charcoal brought to his food was amazing so we made burgers on there, my mother came over for dinner it was great.   Sunday I slept in, oh how I love to sleep in :)  Faith went to gymnastics with Roy while Austin and I stayed home and worked on some puzzles.  i then worked on my project.  I find with my OCD I have to be doing a project it helps with my nerves.  Right now I am working on selling stuff on Used Victoria and consignment sales so lets just say my room is a mess.  I call it organized chaos.  My hubby is doing so well with dealing with my current project, which I love him for.  He is finally starting to understand my OCD and it is a great help that he is supportive.  So far I have made $13 buck.  woo hoo for me.  I planned on buying new bedding for the kids beds with the money but Walmart had a sale yesterday so I went ahead and bought them the bedding and then the money I make can go on the Visa.  Ok so I have discovered that making a bunk bed is hard work and it took me hours to make the needs.  I really need to get over my having to be perfectionist because wow what a work out.  My arms were rubber when I was done. MY legs were hurting from crouching down.  It looks great though.

Faith's bedding above and Austin's bedding below 

I let them pick out there bedding.  All i said was it had to be a pattern that lasted a long time.  No Justin Beiber or transformers type bedding cause you will grow out of it.  
I thought they did really well.   

One thing I learned this weekend.  Is I love my Children more and more each day and I wouldn't change my
life at all.

Friday, 6 May 2011

Who's blogs do I read?

So I am having a hard time finding a blog that I am interested in.  I dont know really how to get around this thing and I am not sure what I wanna read about.  I know I like to read about other parents lives who are just like mine.  Crafts book reviews would be interesting but I dont read all that much.  I take forever to read a book so AHHHH not sure what I am doing. I should find a TV and Movie reviews, I love movies.  Anyways I did do some venturing outside at other peoples blogs and i came across 5 question Friday so I thought I would copy and paste the questions.  I like Questions it helps you get to know people better, on a different level.    

1.  Have you ever had roommates?
Yes. I lived with my boy friend in Vancouver with another couple and a single guy.  I HATE IT.  lol 

2.  How many names do you/your children have? 
My Full name is Marlena Monteiro...My Husband is Roy Elwin Bartley Card....My son is Austin Douglas Card....My daughter is Faith Maria Clotilde Card

3.  Did you watch the Royal Wedding? 
No I did not, that stuff doesn't interest me
4.  What is the messiest room in your house?
My room only because the Day Care Kids dont go in there and  am right now going through things for consignment and it is a disaster.  I have OCD so I like things neat and tidy normal but medication does wonders lol  

5.  What is your ideal Mother's Day?
I like to spend time with the family nothing special.  I would secret love for my hubby to buy something for me but I know that won't happen :(  

Now it's your turn!  Fun, easy linky on a Friday or just leave a few answers in the comment section for others to enjoy!  
Have a great weekend!

Happy Mother's Day All 

Before I was a Mom 
Before I was a Mom -
I slept as late as I wanted and never worried about how late I got into bed. I brushed my hair and my teeth everyday.
Before I was a Mom -
I cleaned my house each day. I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby. I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous. I never thought about immunizations.
Before I was a Mom -
I had never been puked on - Pooped on - Spit on - Chewed on, or Peed on. I had complete control of my mind and My thoughts. I slept all night.
Before I was a Mom -
I never held down a screaming child so that doctors could do tests...or give shots. I never looked into teary eyes and cried. I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin. I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.
Before I was a Mom -
I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put it down. I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt. I never knew that something so small could affect my life
so much. I never knew that I could love someone so much. I never knew I would love being a Mom.
Before I was a Mom -
I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body. I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby. I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child. I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important.
Before I was a Mom -
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay. I had never known The warmth, The joy, The love, The heartache, The wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mom. I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much before I was a Mom.

(Poem Taken from internet... Writer Unknown)

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Top Ten Quiz....I like to steal :)

Top 10 Quiz

Ok i am gonna do this point form if possible.  I got half way through twice now and some how erased it.  LOL  

1. What topics do you most like to read about on blogs?
       -I have not read anybody's blog, I think I will get into it more once my PAC meeting is done next week and I am done organizing my house. 

2. What are your favorite blogs?
          -I do read Skola's Blog when ever I write my blog ,  She is so much like me in many ways that it is nice to read about her life.

3. How did you decide your family size?
         --I wanted 3 kids Roy wanted one.  
         -I wanted a boy and a Girl, in that order and I got that.  After have a Day Care I decided I will stick with my Two beautiful children and not be greedy.   

4. How did you grow up?
       - My Father was an  Alcoholic, I have blocked out most of my childhood for that reason I think.  
      -My Father would come home drunk and beat my mom up.  My sister would hide in her room  and I would have to defend her.   I remember one time my day came home earlier then normal wanted an apple but his favorite knife wasn't in the drawer/  He took the knife from the sink and sliced my mothers ear.  
      -  One day my father came home from work early.  He was a hard worker.  He never missed a day  and he had a bad head ache and he crawled up on the couch.  He ended up being rushed to Vancouver by helicopter because a vessel in his brain burst.  He slipped into a coma, had brain surgery  and when he woke of 6 weeks later he lost his memory completely.  My mother decided to put the past behind her and start new.  My father still too this day has lost short term memory lose.  
     -My Father snapped one night and slapped my mother for no reason years after his memory lose and that is when my mother divorced him. 
     -my sister is 7 years older then I am so she moved to Victoria when I was  about 12.  
5. How did you meet your spouse?
        -I was dating Roy's step Brother Jesse, he was immature and spent most of our relationship doing drugs with his very young friends and skate boarding.  I spent most of my time with Jesse's Step mother Vicki, So Roy's mom.  
       - Roy was a Forest fire fighter and was out of province for a month with out being able to speak to him mother so his mother was supper worried.  Then one day he just walked into Vicki's house and I just happen to be sitting with her on the couch watching Trading Spaces Probably.  It was love at first sight....I cant resist a uniform.  
          -I broke up With Jesse became really good friends with Roy.  We hung out all the time.  One night he decided to go for a drive and I went with him.  He lost control of his car and flew us off the side of a hill/mountain. side.  We went upside down and smashed into a tree.  I went to emergency and he stayed by my side all night and thats when I feel in love with him.
     -I was in a long distance relationship at the time and so I put my feelings for Roy to the side.  I moved to Vancouver where my boyfriend was and that was a bad mistake.  I didn't know him as much as I thought and I couldn't get Roy out of my head.  I moved Back to Kitimat and We have been together ever since. 
6. How were you proposed to?
   -was pregnant with Faith living in High River Alberta.  Roy, Austin and I decided to go for a walk he was gonna propose on our walk but I was crying and complaining about pain that he decided maybe not such a good time.  
     -once we were home and I was feeling better Roy called me into Austins room.  when I walked in Austin was holding a ring box and Roy was next to him on his knee.  Austin opened the box (2 years old)  and said.  "we love you, will you merry Daddy?"  It was the cutest thing ever.  I am still waiting to be married but it will come one day. 

7. What do you believe?
     I am not sure about this question.  Mainly I believe you need to live one day at a time.  Your family comes first.  And there is always someone else having a worse day then You. 

8. What are your favorite things?
Drink: Coffee
Band: Rihanna (not really a band) 
Show: Vampire Diaries 
Chore: re-organizing/de-cluttering
Season: Summer
Book: Twilight series 

9. What do you normally wear?  T-shirts and black pants.  Having a Day care requires not so nice clothes and comfort. 

10. How did pregnancy affect you?  Austin was a breeze.  I cant complain about anything.  Faith on the other hand.  I had to spend 9 months sitting up (thats when Wow came an addiction) .  I couldn't be around any loud nosies she would go nuts.  Even now when something is to loud she freaks out covers hers ears and cries.  I was sick for 4 months and my back was so sore from sitting straight all the time.  

From left:  Mom my Conny.  Auntie Odette, Me, Faith and Lucy my sister. 

Some of Roy's Large Family.  
Back row:  Step Sister Storm, Nephew Chase, Niece Rylee, Niece Hailey.  Sister in Law Sandy.  Niece Carolynn, Brother Mike Niece Katelynn, Faith and Roy
Bottom Row: Step Brother (Ex Boyfriend) Jesse, Jesse's Girlfriend Alicia, Niece Chloe, Brother Royce, Austin and I.   

Missing half of his family lol...Actually more then Half.  

 Our Family Picture.  

Wednesday, 4 May 2011


So I am having a bitchy moment.....And before I kill some kids (LOL)  I need to vent.  So sometimes I just cant help but wonder why some parents think the way they think.  I ask myself everyday how the lady who's kids are in my Day Care has kids.  She is as useless as tits on a bull.  I mean I am sound really mean right now but 2 years of stupidity is really killing me.  I know I am not the perfect mother and I am sure there are other parents out there just like her but I cant handle how different of a parent she is from me.  I just cant relate.   We are talking about a women who allows her 4 year old Daughter to have a bottle on Fridays, yeah the little girl is old enough to know when Friday is and she gets a bottle.....OMG after the age of 1 you dont really even need milk so lay off the freaken Bottles already.  Ok and another think.  If your child is the size of my six year old should you cram them into size2/3 clothing?????  NO  not only does your child look retarded (again sorry for being mean) but hello they probably aren't that comfortable.  You work for the government for god sakes buy some new clothes already.  You think I am done bitching boy are you wrong.  So these kids only like processed food.  If I make home made Mac and Cheese, they wont eat it.  They love Cheese and love English muffins but mix the two and no way will they eat it.  So it's ok to eat all that processed food because they get fed 2 /3 kids of fruit at every meal and snack...Come on there are veggies in the world and no wonder your kids poop the way they poop and have tummy aches.  A little to much if you ask me.  And you cant figure out why your kids are always sick.  COME FREAKEN ON, feed your kids properly for god sakes.   Ok i am done.  WOW that was 2 years worth of bitching that needed to get out, boy do I feel much better.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Bunk Beds

So we got our Bunk Beds last night and I just love it.  I think it will take the kids sometime getting used to the fact that they have to respect each other more.  Faith was so wired when it came time for bed she was bouncing off the walls and Austin was done.  He wanted to sleep and of course Faith was talking and talking.  By 9 o'clock Austin had enough and came out of the room and said, "if she doesn't be quiet, I am gonna go down there and punch her,  I am just saying".  Faith finally finished being excited and drifted off into Lala Land.  I think she thanked Roy and I a hundred times yesterday for her "Monkey Bed, I mean Bunk Bed"  
Austin said he had his thumb down and sad face because " NANA I HAVE BUNK BED AND YOU DONT"

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Easter Weekend

Wow it has been a long time since I have written. I had a long Easter weekend and I kept busy so no time for computer. Thursday was my first day off and I did some shopping with Faithy. Bought some flowers for the garden and did some gardening. Friday was my Brother in laws birthday and I got supper hammered which doesn't happen often. For Ia little person it takes a lot for me to get drunk so lets just say 7 drinks later I was feeling it. It only sucks that I was hanging out with who I was hanging out with. My sister is a Debbie downer and she is no fun at all. I guess she thinks that being 7 years older then me she needs to be good and blah blah blah. I just miss my sister in Law in Calgary. We could sit and drink and juts have a great time. Not that drinking is high on my list of have to do when I go out. but you know I am only 29 and once in a while it is nice to just let loose. Roy doesn't drink anymore so there is always a responsible parent around lol. Saturday we went for a long walk up the trails of MT Doug and Roy and I watched a Movie. My mom was over that night but spent most of the movie talking on the phone with her sister which was super annoying cause she talks loud and she didn't get off the phone till 11:30. I was half asleep, Roy was in bed and I knew that the kids would be up bright and early wanting to go on the egg hunk. Sunday was a supper hyper day and we really didn't do much. Hung out and I think we went bunk bed shopping. Monday was another day of bunk bed shopping and moving rooms around. I bunk beds should arrive tomorrow and I am so excited to get them in the room. I have had the kids sleeping in the same room since Monday and so far not bad. They are still getting used to it but they are falling asleep pretty well. Faith loves sharing a room and I love having a play room for the Day care. The new little boy started at the Day Care and he is awesome., he makes me remember why I wanted a Day Care in the first Place. The other kids I have, which I know I complain a lot about make we wanna quit what I do and never look back, which is sad. Anyways this is what has happened. As you can tell I live a boring and uneventful life. Really not worth blogging but it feels good to blog. and if no one reads then all well. i really need to take the time to learn how this program works because I would love to add pictures in here but don't know where to start.

Friday, 15 April 2011


What a long week!!!! I am sick but feeling much better now. Taking care of a brand new kid which made me realize why I wanted to open up a day care in the first place. Faith has changed so much since I started caring for other children and not for the good. I have been taking care of the new kid for 2 days now and I have noticed a slight change in Faith already. Sh e is playing again and being happy and not fighting. I guess she does better with some kids better then others. The new kid is like a breath of fresh air. I only have one issue and that is that I cant go to my Play group like I normally do when I have the 4 kids but I plan on having a talk next week with the lady who runs it and let her know that I really would like to keep coming, i think the kids would be crushed if we stopped going to Play group. I plan on doing some shopping this weekend for sure. Easter presents, consignment sale, birthday presents and finishing off my Earth quake kit which is also giving me piece of mind. On another note I found this really cool game called Pocket Legend on my IPOD which is so similar to Wow but a bit of a challenge to understand but still fun and passes the time. The family is going to an old friends house who is like family. I have known her all my life and she has MS so it is gonna be so good to go to her house and see her. She has been asking since Christmas for us to come over again cause she just loves the kids and she cant come to my house cause of the stairs so my heart goes out to her. Well I am off to Face Book land where I can play Frontier Ville while the Day Car kids play blocks and Trains. I LOVE MY LAB TOP cause I would go insane lol . HAPPY WEEKEND if you don't hear from me.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Why must they change

It makes me so sad to see my son get older but it makes me happy. He has change so much since he started grade one. He has developed an additude that i just dont care for and it makes me sad because he was the perfect little boy before school started. Not that he isn't perfect now, dotn get me wrong I would trade him for all the gold in the world. He is my baby boy and he will always be Mama's boy. He just is different. Things like what he wore never mattered to him before now he can only wear certain things which makes my second hand shopping hard. He hasn't developed the knowledge for brand name things yet but I am sure that is to come. My nephew wants Nike Shoes now because they are whats in style and that scares me. he is 7. I never had the need to have brand name clothing. I knew as a child we couldn't afford those things and that was that. You wore what was bought for you and that was it nothing was said. I really hope Austin doesn't develop the taste for brand name things. i just want my baby boy back :(

Tuesday, 12 April 2011


I cant stand not being organized. I am a Beaver leader for my son's beavers and that is the most unorganized group I have ever seen. i lost it this weekend when I was the only one to show up for an outing and having to take care of 12 kids. Not only do I not like that but the kid ratio is 1parent to 5 kids so I lost it. I am starting a group on facebook now to keep us all organized because I think it is important if you are try to care for a large group of children. Other then that it was a pretty good weekend. I took the kids to see HOP and they really liked it, it was so cheesy but most kids movies are. They liked it and I cant wait for easter and watching them hunt for eggs in the morning, I love that. I am sick GGRRRR I am avoiding the Day Care kids so I dont pass it on to them. It is a do what you want (but not bad stuff) kind of week and lots of Hand sanitizer for me. I hope it just stays with me, I dont want a repeat of the last flu that wiped out the entire family and Daycare kids. I have really been thinking about starting an online business but I am not sure what to sell. I am not even sure I could do it. My sister in law is sending me epicure stuff she wants me to sell stuff and my Mary K lady wants me to sell stuff but I think I would rather sell food stuff then Make up. I dont wear make up often so I am not sure I would do well with that. My hubby doesn't think it is a good idea to sell stuff but I kinda think it would be fun and I could make some money, we will see what happens. I cant wait to get my Epicure package in the mail and see if I am interested in it.

Friday, 8 April 2011

I feel great

So I feel great. I have did a major change to when I take my pills and Vitamins and so far so good. I dont get drowsy or lazy during the Day anymore and I haven't really had much coffee. i have cleaned my house and done a 10 minute run on the tread mill and a 5 minute bike ride and I still feel like I can do more. i got a new type of Vitamins B and OMG it is the best stuff ever and I think all women should take it. So just a short entry cause I need to keep busy, I cant help myself. Need to pick up the rugrat from school and then clean clean clean so I can go out for dinner at my sisters. Gonna get my bangs cut again, my hair grows way to fast. :)

Wednesday, 6 April 2011


You know what I am finding with this blog the only time I wanna write is to complain, why is that. I have no idea what to write about. Yesterday was a disappointing day with Austin. A note came home in his planner because he misbehaved. I have noticed that he has been getting in to trouble since the teacher moved the class around and he is sitting with a certain child. Not blaming this kid but I am just saying. I have never talked to Austin about pure presser but we had a long talk about doing bad things because another kid is doing it. Told him that the other child will probably not get in trouble because thats why he does bad things but you will. I think he gets it now. Grounded for 2 weeks from electronics and friends and he is right now as we speak at school saying sorry to the teacher. You try and try so hard to teach your children to be good and not that he isn't good, i dont like to brag but I think I have some really good kids. A side from miss cranky pants who is three and Austin who can be a bit hyper at times causing chaos but other then that they are pretty good. Anyways I just hope he learned a lesson and he doesn't get in trouble again. Turns out my nephew got the same note home hahaha how bad does that look lol. My sister and I are bad parents I tell you, just blame my mom she raised us lol. I am looking forward to Austin changing schools next year. As much as I love my sister and my nephews I really think separation would be good for Austin. I am find he doesn't think for himself but does what his cousins do. Marcus (my nephew) is very dependent on Austin and he has panic attacks when Austin doesn't go to school. So i think this move will be good for Austin to work on his independence and Marcus can work on himself as well. I have no idea how Marcus will be next year. They have been in school int he same class for two years now and thats all they know so it will take some time to adjust I think.

Monday, 4 April 2011

What a great Weekend

I have to say that I had a great weekend for a change. No fighting no nothing, which is great because I had a bad Thursday. I feel like I am always complaining lately so it was a nice change to have no complains. My cook book that I made with Austin school is done and turned out great. I would have to take credit for the whole thing. It was supposed to be a group effort but it turned out that i did all the work and I am so proud of it. i made a profit of over 1000 bucks maybe even close to 2000 bucks for the school and that is great. Austin will not be at that school next year so I am happy to leave something behind for the teachers and students also Austin has something to remember his 2 years at Eagle View. Saturday I went to a information program for children ages 0-6 and that was really interesting. The kids had a great time with the jumping castle and crafts and park. After that I decided that I would take the kids to the SPCA to teach them about the animals there. Those poor little guys get no attention sometimes so I educated the kids about how they have no home and we took dog and cat food in for them and we discovered that there is a lot of Rabbits abandoned there. I wish I could rescue a dog but that wont happen anytime soon. I think the kids really got a lot out of our visit an I plan on taking them again and this time bring produce for all those rabbits. Sunday was good. Spent some time with my mom, Faith had gymnastics and had coffee with a friend while the kids played. It was nice to get out of the house. Always stuck at my house all week makes me grumpy. So another busy week ahead with beavers, gymnastics meetings and I want to get some more stuff done for my earth Quake kit. There was another earth quake, this time in in India and from what I heard from Japan's Earthquake is that the more earthquakes there are in the work the more likely it is that Victoria will have an earthquake cause the earthquakes are shifting the plates under us and when it happens god good, I will be getting my butt off this Island ASAP cause there will be nothing left for me here, thats just my prediction. I am trying my hardest to get my mom to get her butt in gear because she does live alone and who knows how long it will take for me to get to here after an earthquake happens. I don't know if I am just being paranoid but I really do believe it is gonna happen soon and it scares me to death that nobody is taking it seriously. If it means life or Death for my children I am gonna get as prepared as I can for our survival. Mid month Payday is usually my good Payday so I am gonna get some more stuff for my kit. I am also in charge of my sons school and I have to get there Earthquake kit going to I have to do that sooner or later, cause 230 people our counting on the stuff and I have no idea what the school already has. I know they have a kit but is it up to date. Anyways now that I have made me more paranoid about this big Earthquake coming I should end my post.

Friday, 1 April 2011


So yeah I had a bad bay yesterday, everything was pissing me off. I just wanted to sleep all day and forget about the day. What set me off was I got paid and I put my cheque on the desk and now where is it? I dont know, I have looked high and low for this cheque and I am certain one of the little devils hid it somewhere, but where. It all worked out in the end. The lady cancelled the cheque and wrote me another one but it is really bugging me. Lets just say as soon as the kids got picked up yesterday I drove to the beer store and I bought beer, and boy did they taste good. You know when I have these bad days it makes me think, why do I get paid so little for the work I do. Really. my mom makes 16 bucks an hour working at Home Depot and I make $10 an hour to take care of Living human children. They are not very easy to care for might I add. The little girl is a she devil but wearing a angel mask. She does awful things when she thinks no one is looking, mainly to her brother. And the Diapers, omg I should get paid double for that little guys diapers alone, NASTY smelling thing he is. Oh lets not forget my lovely daughter who is a spazz and my lovely son who thinks that mommy should do everything for him (thats my fault). Ok I think I am done ranting about how much I hate having my own Day Care. I really cant wait until my daughter is in kindergarten so I can go out and work. I haven't worked in 7 years and even though I love that I am a stay at home mom, I need to get out now. I always though I would love to have my own Day Care and I think it would be different if the day Home wasn't in my living Space. This Day Home has really messed with my OCD, thank god for my Medication, or I would be CRAZY. I need some time off that is for sure.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Bored and in need of Energy

So yesterday I was so busy I couldn't keep up and now that I have completed my paper work for the week I am so bored and there is only so much FrontierVille you can play. I really wish I could just take a nap cause I need one but that would be bad, UNLESS, i put all the Day Care kids down then I could, as if that would ever happen. Everyday I tell myself how I should get back into do crafts, any craft. Scrapbooking, Jewelery making something, but I just cant get motivated. In High River I belonged to a mom's group and we did scrapbooking and it was so much fun, i really do wish living in High River. I had so many great Friends and I felt motivated to do things. I really should just get some socks on, runners and go for a run on the tread mill. This 15 pounds that have put on over the last couple of months is really dragging me down. Yeah it doesn't look like i have gained anything but I can sure feel it. I just wish I had some energy to do something.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Busy Busy Busy

Wow I am actually writing a Blog.  I don't know the first thing about writing a blog and how all this works so this website has been a challenge for me to get started.  I really do like the concept of a blog.  It's a place I can go and tell my true feelings with out feeling stupid.  I always have issues with being myself because really, most people are just so different from me.    It is really hard to bit my tongue at my sons school.  I like the Moms there but sometimes I just wanna slap them all lol.  I normally dont hold anything back.  Gonna be switching schools in September so I wonder if the Mom's at the New school are better or am I suppose to have no friends lol.  So everyone was asking me yesterday at School is I was as excited as them to have the kids back in school.   I have mixed feelings about that.  The one thing I hate about no school is that the bedtime goes out the window.  Reading goes out the window,   my brain goes into "If we dont do it today, we will do it tomorrow.  The good part is you dont have to be anywhere.  No gymnastics, no Beavers, no PAC meetings.  Sometimes I like that.  Right now I am writing this blog when I should be getting off to playgroup, I kinda liked just going with the flow for the last 2 weeks.   I have so much work sitting in front of me right now that I was putting off for the last two weeks.  A cookbook to be made,  a Beaver meeting to be planned, Day Care to be planned for the month of April.  Busy Busy Busy.