Wednesday 4 May 2011


So I am having a bitchy moment.....And before I kill some kids (LOL)  I need to vent.  So sometimes I just cant help but wonder why some parents think the way they think.  I ask myself everyday how the lady who's kids are in my Day Care has kids.  She is as useless as tits on a bull.  I mean I am sound really mean right now but 2 years of stupidity is really killing me.  I know I am not the perfect mother and I am sure there are other parents out there just like her but I cant handle how different of a parent she is from me.  I just cant relate.   We are talking about a women who allows her 4 year old Daughter to have a bottle on Fridays, yeah the little girl is old enough to know when Friday is and she gets a bottle.....OMG after the age of 1 you dont really even need milk so lay off the freaken Bottles already.  Ok and another think.  If your child is the size of my six year old should you cram them into size2/3 clothing?????  NO  not only does your child look retarded (again sorry for being mean) but hello they probably aren't that comfortable.  You work for the government for god sakes buy some new clothes already.  You think I am done bitching boy are you wrong.  So these kids only like processed food.  If I make home made Mac and Cheese, they wont eat it.  They love Cheese and love English muffins but mix the two and no way will they eat it.  So it's ok to eat all that processed food because they get fed 2 /3 kids of fruit at every meal and snack...Come on there are veggies in the world and no wonder your kids poop the way they poop and have tummy aches.  A little to much if you ask me.  And you cant figure out why your kids are always sick.  COME FREAKEN ON, feed your kids properly for god sakes.   Ok i am done.  WOW that was 2 years worth of bitching that needed to get out, boy do I feel much better.

1 comment:

  1. This is exactly why I love blogging. Because bitching just needs to happen sometimes.

    Also, I totally agree with you.. that's not even ignorance, it's just laziness!
