Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Geo Cache

So me and my family have been doing Geo Caching and we absolutely love it.  Well Austin and I absolutely love it and Roy and Faith tag along cause I say so LOL.  I think it is great family activity and outside time.  Austin and I can spend hours riding our bike.  Driving from Cache to cache and walking of course.   The other day we found 4 and we wanted to keep on going but bed time was just around the corner.  I recommended it anybody who just loves taking a stroll.  It is pretty inexpensive Hobby.  You need your I phone app (or GPS) that's it and its hours of fun.  Austin and I have decided that we are gonna make our own Geo Cache on our street.  We have come up with a cleaver name as well.  "Normandy is the troll under the bridge".  We live on Normandy and there is a bridge int he park and we plan on putting it just beside the bridge. Cleaver right :)   I can only image how funny Austin and I look, we are supposed to not let muggles (as they say) see us but the other day on one of the Bus Stop series there was a Geo Cache up really high on the poll and the only way we could reach it was to have Austin sitting on my head for suppose while he climbed the poll.  Good times hehe. I absolutely love my geo caching time with Austin.  I hope we have this time together for years and years to come.

                                          Faith enjoys Geocaching when she finds the treasure :)


Here is one of the GeoCaches we found.  We needed to take pictures to show proof to Austin that we found it.  He was at the bike park close by.

1 comment:

  1. We just started doing this! We didnt have a great run at it though because we started late and the kids got cranky - but I'd really love to do more and I totally agree - awesome, cheap, oudoor family fun!!!
