Friday 1 April 2011


So yeah I had a bad bay yesterday, everything was pissing me off. I just wanted to sleep all day and forget about the day. What set me off was I got paid and I put my cheque on the desk and now where is it? I dont know, I have looked high and low for this cheque and I am certain one of the little devils hid it somewhere, but where. It all worked out in the end. The lady cancelled the cheque and wrote me another one but it is really bugging me. Lets just say as soon as the kids got picked up yesterday I drove to the beer store and I bought beer, and boy did they taste good. You know when I have these bad days it makes me think, why do I get paid so little for the work I do. Really. my mom makes 16 bucks an hour working at Home Depot and I make $10 an hour to take care of Living human children. They are not very easy to care for might I add. The little girl is a she devil but wearing a angel mask. She does awful things when she thinks no one is looking, mainly to her brother. And the Diapers, omg I should get paid double for that little guys diapers alone, NASTY smelling thing he is. Oh lets not forget my lovely daughter who is a spazz and my lovely son who thinks that mommy should do everything for him (thats my fault). Ok I think I am done ranting about how much I hate having my own Day Care. I really cant wait until my daughter is in kindergarten so I can go out and work. I haven't worked in 7 years and even though I love that I am a stay at home mom, I need to get out now. I always though I would love to have my own Day Care and I think it would be different if the day Home wasn't in my living Space. This Day Home has really messed with my OCD, thank god for my Medication, or I would be CRAZY. I need some time off that is for sure.

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