Wednesday 30 March 2011

Bored and in need of Energy

So yesterday I was so busy I couldn't keep up and now that I have completed my paper work for the week I am so bored and there is only so much FrontierVille you can play. I really wish I could just take a nap cause I need one but that would be bad, UNLESS, i put all the Day Care kids down then I could, as if that would ever happen. Everyday I tell myself how I should get back into do crafts, any craft. Scrapbooking, Jewelery making something, but I just cant get motivated. In High River I belonged to a mom's group and we did scrapbooking and it was so much fun, i really do wish living in High River. I had so many great Friends and I felt motivated to do things. I really should just get some socks on, runners and go for a run on the tread mill. This 15 pounds that have put on over the last couple of months is really dragging me down. Yeah it doesn't look like i have gained anything but I can sure feel it. I just wish I had some energy to do something.

1 comment:

  1. I wish all I needed to lose was 15 pounds! lol.

    I did scrapbooking after Kaeda was born... but haven't really gotten back to it - too messy a project to do around a 'helpful' 3yo. I always did it with my mom too so when I moved it just wasnt the same.
