Thursday 28 April 2011

Bunk Beds

So we got our Bunk Beds last night and I just love it.  I think it will take the kids sometime getting used to the fact that they have to respect each other more.  Faith was so wired when it came time for bed she was bouncing off the walls and Austin was done.  He wanted to sleep and of course Faith was talking and talking.  By 9 o'clock Austin had enough and came out of the room and said, "if she doesn't be quiet, I am gonna go down there and punch her,  I am just saying".  Faith finally finished being excited and drifted off into Lala Land.  I think she thanked Roy and I a hundred times yesterday for her "Monkey Bed, I mean Bunk Bed"  
Austin said he had his thumb down and sad face because " NANA I HAVE BUNK BED AND YOU DONT"

I would like to thank Skola for showing my uneducated butt how to upload photos cause wow there is so much more you can do with a post if you are doing it on the right screen LOL 

1 comment:

  1. hahah! I love the new blog layout! Very cool.

    Nice bed! Did you end up getting it used? They sure look like they're enjoying it and it must be nice to have a play room. If our tenant/roommate ever moves out thats what the downstairs living room will be.
