Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Bored and in need of Energy

So yesterday I was so busy I couldn't keep up and now that I have completed my paper work for the week I am so bored and there is only so much FrontierVille you can play. I really wish I could just take a nap cause I need one but that would be bad, UNLESS, i put all the Day Care kids down then I could, as if that would ever happen. Everyday I tell myself how I should get back into do crafts, any craft. Scrapbooking, Jewelery making something, but I just cant get motivated. In High River I belonged to a mom's group and we did scrapbooking and it was so much fun, i really do wish living in High River. I had so many great Friends and I felt motivated to do things. I really should just get some socks on, runners and go for a run on the tread mill. This 15 pounds that have put on over the last couple of months is really dragging me down. Yeah it doesn't look like i have gained anything but I can sure feel it. I just wish I had some energy to do something.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Busy Busy Busy

Wow I am actually writing a Blog.  I don't know the first thing about writing a blog and how all this works so this website has been a challenge for me to get started.  I really do like the concept of a blog.  It's a place I can go and tell my true feelings with out feeling stupid.  I always have issues with being myself because really, most people are just so different from me.    It is really hard to bit my tongue at my sons school.  I like the Moms there but sometimes I just wanna slap them all lol.  I normally dont hold anything back.  Gonna be switching schools in September so I wonder if the Mom's at the New school are better or am I suppose to have no friends lol.  So everyone was asking me yesterday at School is I was as excited as them to have the kids back in school.   I have mixed feelings about that.  The one thing I hate about no school is that the bedtime goes out the window.  Reading goes out the window,   my brain goes into "If we dont do it today, we will do it tomorrow.  The good part is you dont have to be anywhere.  No gymnastics, no Beavers, no PAC meetings.  Sometimes I like that.  Right now I am writing this blog when I should be getting off to playgroup, I kinda liked just going with the flow for the last 2 weeks.   I have so much work sitting in front of me right now that I was putting off for the last two weeks.  A cookbook to be made,  a Beaver meeting to be planned, Day Care to be planned for the month of April.  Busy Busy Busy.